Expanding My Therapy Practice to New Orleans: Following Instincts and Embracing Risk

Image of a path through great oak trees in New Orleans. This image represents the expansion of Jessika Fruchter, LMFT's therapy practice to provide holistic therapy for women in New Orleans and throughout Louisiana.

Change is in the Air

Oooo, ya’ll, I have big news! I’m excited to share I have formally expanded my therapy practice to serve women in New Orleans and though out the state of Louisiana. And you know what? It’s been a long time coming.

 As a psychotherapist who specializes in supporting midlife women, I know how big change can be both intimidating and exhilarating. The thing is, it almost always brings growth. Recently, I decided to embrace my own moment of change by expanding my practice to New Orleans. It wasn’t a decision I made lightly—but it was one born from following my intuition and a healthy amount of planning.

Image is of a midlife Black woman staring off into the distance. Image reflects the diverse women Jessika Fruchter LMFT serves in her holistic therapy practice in New Orleans in San Francisco.

Following Your Intuition During Transition

We often hear the phrase, “trust your gut,” but many of us struggle to do it. Often anxiety gets loud and we lose our way. Sometimes it can be really challenging to tell the difference between anxiety and intuition.

 In therapy, I encourage clients to reconnect with their intuition because it’s a powerful internal compass, especially during life’s transitional periods. We do this in a variety of ways from somatic exercises to journaling to tarot practice and meditation. It’s easy to get stuck in analysis paralysis, weighing pros and cons, or worrying about what others think. But sometimes, a decision just feels right before all the details align.


That was the case with New Orleans. I wasn’t consciously planning a business expansion, but the idea kept surfacing during my personal and professional reflections. Honestly, I’ve had a crush on New Orleans for more than a decade and as I’ve spent more and more time there, I’ve grown to love the city’s vibrant culture, rich history, and deep connection to spirit and healing arts. There’s also a strong need for specialized care for women. All of these factors were in alignment with practice’s mission: helping women reconnect with themselves, build confidence, and embrace the unknown with curiosity and courage. The moment I acknowledged the pull I felt toward New Orleans, clarity followed.


In therapy and in life, honoring that intuitive nudge—whether it’s to end a relationship, pivot careers, or relocate—is often the first step toward something transformative.


Taking Risks is Essential for Growth

Expanding a business in any field involves risk, and therapy practices are no exception. Adding a second location means leaving familiar routines behind, making new connections and facing the possibility that things might not unfold exactly as planned. But risk is not inherently negative. It’s an invitation to grow.


In my work, I see women on the edge of change every day—women grappling with the fear of what might go wrong if they take a risk. Will they be judged? Will they fail? Will life on the other side of change be worse than the comfort they’ve known? These are common fears, yet staying in the same place—physically, emotionally, or professionally—can sometimes be the bigger risk. In my case, staying only within my current practice meant limiting my ability to grow and reach more women.


New Orleans has offered an opportunity to do just that. It’s a city known for resilience and reinvention, qualities I want to help my clients cultivate in their own lives. Through this expansion, I hope to reach a broader community of women seeking to navigate midlife transitions with intention. Taking this step reminds me that, just like my clients, I need to practice what I preach: trust myself, lean into discomfort, and embrace the adventure of uncertainty.

Healing & Transformation in New Orleans

New Orleans is more than a charming, soulful city—it’s a place where art, music, and storytelling thrive, creating an ideal setting for self-reflection and renewal. The city’s complex relationship with loss, resilience, and celebration mirrors the emotional terrain many women navigate during midlife. In perimenopause and beyond, women often confront endings, whether that means shifts in relationships, careers, or identities. But they also experience beginnings—new passions, rediscovered confidence, and a deeper sense of purpose.


I believe the spirit of New Orleans, with its ability to embrace life’s ups and downs, aligns beautifully with the therapeutic work I do. There’s no better place to empower women to reconnect with their inner wisdom, explore new possibilities, and create the life they envision.

images of dried roses representing the healing that happens in therapy specialized for midlife women.

An Invitation to Take Your Own Leap

The decision to expand my practice was not without fear. It involved stepping into uncertainty and trusting that the timing was right, even though I didn’t have every detail figured out. But that’s how life works: the path becomes clearer as we move forward, not while we stand still.

In this process I have met so many incredible women on the ground in New Orleans working to heal and elevate other women.


I hope my journey to New Orleans inspires others to honor their instincts and take risks, whether big or small. Life doesn’t wait for us to feel ready. Growth happens when we say yes to change, even when it feels daunting.


So, here I am—ready to expand my practice, embrace the unknown, and help others do the same. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve women in both my original location of California and my new one in New Orleans. If life is nudging you toward a new chapter, I encourage you to listen. Trust yourself, take the leap, and see where it leads. You just might find that the unknown holds exactly what you’ve been looking for. I am here to help!

Till next time, Wishing you peace & ease,


Support for women’s healing, growth + Wellness in New Orleans, Louisiana

A little about me …

Hi, my name is Jessika Fruchter LMFT and I’m a feminist psychotherapist, expressive arts therapist, writer and educator. I provide online psychotherapy for women in California and Louisiana who are navigating trauma, anxiety and reproductive mental health concerns like perimenopause and PMDD.

I believe personal healing is a revolutionary act. I say it often. And in these (continued) turbulent times, I believe it now more than ever.

If you think Feminist Therapy might be right for you, I’m here to support. Here are a couple of steps to move forward …

  1. Get to know more about me here

  2. Schedule a free initial consultation here

  3. Of if you have questions … Let's chat.I’m happy to answer any questions you have.

Also please know there are directories where you may seek out other feminist therapists in your area. Inclusive Therapist and Therapy Den are two great places to start.


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