We were made for this ...
(Articles + Essays about the Perimenopause Transition + All things midlife)
Who do I work with in my private Practice? I’m so glad you asked …
I work with creative, spiritual professional women in California and Louisiana—two vibrant states that shape my work with their unique cultures and energy. These women come to me at a time when they’ve spent decades doing everything “right” according to societal expectations.
They’ve built careers, raised families, and lived by the rules. But now, as they approach midlife, they’re feeling a sense of inner questioning, a shift in their identity, and a deeper need for personal alignment. This is where I step in to guide them through this profound transition …
Why Women in Midlife Seek Spiritually-integrated Therapy
In midlife, women often find themselves standing at the figurative intersection of uncertainty and self-discovery.
Perimenopause brings both physical and emotional transformations, relationships shift, and long-held roles begin to feel restrictive or outdated.
Many women feel a deep yearning for meaning and clarity that extends beyond conventional therapy. Spiritually-oriented therapy offers a unique container for healing and growth, blending psychological insight with a deeper connection to purpose, self, and something greater.
What is that something greater? Well, that’s entirely unique to you …
Expanding My Therapy Practice to New Orleans: Following Instincts and Embracing Risk
As a psychotherapist who specializes in supporting midlife women, I know how big change can be both intimidating and exhilarating. The thing is, it almost always brings growth. Recently, I decided to embrace my own moment of change by expanding my practice to New Orleans. It wasn’t a decision I made lightly—but it was one born from following my intuition and a healthy amount of planning.
We often hear the phrase, “trust your gut,” but many of us struggle to do it. Often anxiety gets loud and we lose our way. Sometimes it can be really challenging to tell the difference between anxiety and intuition.
In therapy, I encourage clients to reconnect with their intuition because it’s a powerful internal compass, especially during life’s transitional periods. We do this in a variety of ways from somatic exercises to journaling to tarot practice and meditation. It’s easy to get stuck in analysis paralysis, weighing pros and cons, or worrying about what others think. But sometimes, a decision just feels right before all the details align.
What to do when you’re always Tired
You know the drill. You’re going about your day and folks here and there ask you how you are. It may be the guy at the corner store or your co-worker or maybe even a friend, either way you say you’re fine because that’s the social expectation, and you keep it moving. But really, the first thing that comes to mind is: “I’m so tired.” And it’s so true.
Whether it’s the exhaustion that makes you pass out as soon as your head hits the pillow or the low grade blah that keeps you from ever really waking up during the day, fatigue is one of the most common concerns I hear about when women walk through my virtual office door ….
Gen X, Elder Millennials: Let’s Talk Midlife Rebirth, Shall We?
The concept of the midlife crisis conjured images of grown people grappling with their own mortality and (almost exclusively) making irrational decisions, impulsive purchases, drastic career changes, or experiencing unexpected relationship upheavals.
For women in particular, midlife was (and still is) reduced to anxiety and grief, loss of vitality, perhaps shifting family dynamics, and the end of reproductive years. While these challenges are real and significant, they do not have to define the midlife experience.
Isn’t there more to this pivotal time in our lives? I’m gonna say: absolutely.
That’s what I’m hoping we can talk about now. Because believe it or not, midlife is a gift. Dare I say it, midlife is magical. .
Is Feminist Therapy Right for you?
If you’ve found your way here you’re probably curious what Feminist Therapy is all about and I’m so glad you are.
Often when I tell folks I practice Feminist Therapy they say something like: Oh, I didn’t know that’s a thing. How cool!
So first let me say … it’s definitely a thing.
Just like other therapeutic approaches, the Feminist Therapy framework was developed to address needs that had not been adequately met by existing therapeutic models - the needs of women …
Here’s my go-to Strategy for Soothing Anxiety + Stress
Everyone is seeking their own medicine in a time when anxiety has become commonplace. Often this requires a whole toolkit full of strategies and practices to support your unique nervous system, but the one tool that I almost always suggest to folks is one you’ve probably heard suggested and suggested some more: Breathwork. And there’s good reason …
Part III - Navigating Perimenopause: Fierce Care for Ourselves & Each Other
When we enter perimenopause, our bodies, minds and souls begin preparation for the end of our “reproductive years” and for a new chapter to begin. This is huge. In part III of this series on perimenopause and mental health, we’ll talk about trusting yourself and seeking out the specialized care you deserve.
Part II: Perimenopause as a Rite of Passage
When we enter perimenopause, our bodies, minds and souls begin preparation for the end of our “reproductive years” and for a new chapter to begin. This is huge.
Here, we leave the known and enter an in-between space where we may stay for up to a decade. Perimenopause quite literally means: “around menopause.” It’s a time that may be shrouded in uncomfortable symptoms and shame/discomfort with getting older. Understandably, many women experience grief, irritability and feelings of isolation. In fact, women in perimenopause are at higher risk of experiencing mental health challenges. But what if we change the narrative and create a different experience for women?
Part I: What Perimenopause is and Isn’t. and Why it Matters.
For many of our generations, the topic of perimenopause/menopause was never discussed, and if it was, it was hush-hush, referred to cryptically or as fodder for jokes. Talking about perimenopause openly in the context of women’s health is a new development. And long over due.
This is the first of a series of blog posts that will explore cultivating wellness during perimenopause and reclaiming a rite of passage that has been minimized and/or over-medicalized.
Tis the season to love-up on yourself ... or it should be.
For better or worse the holidays shine a light on all that's there and all that's not.
Anger, irritability, sadness, grief and anxiety are all common (and understandable) feelings. We’re inundated with the Hollywood version of what the holidays are meant to feel and look like, and the bar is just too dang high ….
Reclaiming Your Time and Energy: On Women and Emotional Labor
One of the most common concerns I hear from the women I work with in my psychotherapy practice is a feeling of unexplained fatigue. It’s not a run-of-the-mill fatigue, mind you. My clients describe their experiences as a deep, bone-tired feeling. I’ve heard it described as soul tired.
It’s the kind of tired that is not easily remedied by more sleep or a day of self-care. And it leaves women feeling like they are somehow failing at life because they are constantly exhausted … What we’re talking about here is emotional labor. Let’s discuss.
On Creating & Using Ritual in Psychotherapy
As a spiritually-oriented psychotherapist and expressive arts therapist for women, one of my favorite tools to share with clients is ritual. Ritual can be powerful, creative and … fun. (Yes, it’s true - therapy an be enjoyable!)
While the term ritual often gets conflated with solemn religious traditions or Woo-Woo gatherings, both of which can be hugely supportive, and of which I have often participated btw, ritual can really be any activity that is infused with intention and is meaningful to the person performing it. It's another approach to working with the symbolic, not unlike making art or using guided imagery in therapeutic work.
When It all Falls Apart: Here’s how to Navigate the Hardest Times
At one point or another in our journeys something (or sometimes many things) happen to make it feel like our lives are falling apart at the seams. You may question your safety, security, relationships or identity. These moments are seminal …
If you are reading this, I imagine you have experienced a time or times like this in your life. Or perhaps you’re going through one now. I’m glad you’ve found your way here. These times in our lives are vulnerable and raw, and so very human. In this post we’re going to talk about how to find your footing when life has brought you to your knees.
On finding Your People & Trusting Your Gut
One of the most common experiences I hear from clients is one of wanting, craving connection. Sometimes the context is romantic partnership, but just as often it is about cultivating more meaningful friendships or intentional community as an adult woman. After all, we are wired for connection. Without it, it’s common to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness and hopelessness.
So why is it so hard to make friends as adult? ….
Is Tarot Therapy? Let’s Discuss.
Does tarot really constitute therapy? I get this question a lot – from students, clients and other professionals. So much so that I thought it was important to write a specific blog post to address the topic.
Here’s Why Online Therapy is so Great for Many California Women
I’ve learned that not only is online therapy comparable to in-person therapy in terms of efficacy, but in many cases online feminist therapy is optimal for the women and girls I work with. While my clients navigate anxiety, stress and trauma symptoms they also lead rich, full lives and struggle to make time to care for themselves.
Online therapy offers accessibility and comfort for clients who are able to receive support while cozied up from their homes. Better yet, with a blanket and cup of tea in their hands!
New Workshop Announcement: Tarot For Women: Connecting To Power & Purpose In-Person, San Diego location
Maybe you've been intrigued by the use of tarot cards and have yet to explore this powerful tool, or perhaps you've dabbled and would like to explore more. Come join us for a playful, hands-on introductory workshop focused on self-inquiry and personal growth through the practice of tarot.
This event will be held at the serene Sojourn Healing Collective in San Diego.
Grin and Bear It: Here’s How I Recognize and Treat ‘High-Functioning’ Anxiety in Women as a Feminist Therapist
Oh, hello. I see you out there. It’s the beginning of a new year and you’ve hit the ground running. You’ve always got so much to do. Whether it’s a task for work, social event, family obligation or creative project. Yup, your ambition is epic (though you don’t give yourself enough credit). And your to-do list reflects that. I get it. After all, game recognizes game.
But I also see you tired and uninspired. It’s rare you get a good night’s sleep and that muscle tension in your neck and shoulders … well, it never seems to go away. You feel on edge most of the time. And you’ve begun to lose interest in things you once enjoyed.
On Identifying & Navigating Toxic Positivity
Most of us have experienced a dose of toxic positivity at one time or another. It tends to happen in the most vulnerable moments when we're feeling down or worried, reach out to a friend or family member for comfort and instead get a message like this: think positive or it could be worse. If you find experiences like these disheartening, you're not alone …