Therapy for Women in Midlife
Online Feminist Therapy For Women In California
Who I work with
I offer online therapy for midlife women located in Los Angeles, San Diego, and the San Francisco Bay Area. My clients are from a wide range of cultural backgrounds and intersecting identities. They are also driven, self-aware, and deep longing to live rich, full lives.
Without a doubt the women I work with are powerhouses. Although they don’t usually feel that way at first. Their energy is often diminished by fatigue, worry, and stress, not to mention hormonal flux. It’s understandable. Life in 2024 can feel like a lot.
Does any of this sound familiar?
You take pride in knowing how to navigate tough situations. In fact, you’re probably the go-to for your friends and family. Still, you have trouble asking for support.
You’ve got a stack of self-help books on your bedside table. You listen to all the right podcasts. You are doing all the things that should be helpful and still, you have that sinking feeling …
Deep down you question your place in the world or your value. You’re sick of feeling that way.
You’ve learned how to walk on eggshells or code-switch with grace. Yet, you’re worried you’re either too much or not enough - all the freakin’ time. This is common, especially in women.
You’re questioning who you are and who you want to be. Somedays you don’t recognize yourself.
You’re navigating a big transition and feel lost
You’re tired in your bones, soul, and core … and you want more.

Are You Ready to Change Your Story? Feminist Therapy for Women Can Help.
How I work
I believe it's possible to move from survival mode to a place of ease. You can thrive, live your purpose and find your joy … even in these challenging times.
You might be wondering what feminist therapy with me looks like, and it’s a good question. I am here as an ally and co-explorer. Historically, therapy entailed a whole lot of judgment of clients. The expectation was that therapists should be quiet and nod a lot. Feminist therapy is different, and so am I. From a Feminist Therapy perspective I offer a variety of services including Specialized Perimenopause mental health support, Holistic Anxiety Treatment for Women and Trauma Treatment for Women. Read on to learn more.
You are the expert on You.
While I bring clinical expertise, you are the expert on your own life. Our collaboration in healing is everything. I show up as a real person and believe that everyone is doing the best they can when they can. I’ll help you identify your strengths, cultivate your inner and outer resources, and make concrete plans that are in line with your goals.
In feminist therapy, we also look at how our world shapes us. This means looking at social/cultural factors and political influences. At the same time, I use a mix of out-of-the-box and evidence-based practices to help my clients get where they want to be.
These may include:
Self-Compassion practice
Unpacking the stories we tell ourselves (and the stories we’ve inherited)
Developing action plans to change behavior or circumstances
Many of my clients are also interested in exploring spiritual practices. This helps them feel more in touch with their intuition and feel more grounded in a dynamic world. For these clients, I offer spiritually-integrated psychotherapy. Offerings include dreamwork, therapeutic tarot practice, ritual, guided imagery, and altar-making.
Online Therapy for Women in California - the Support You’ve Been Seeking.
My approach is holistic and tailored to each client’s needs. Whatever your struggles, whatever your goals, we work as a team. I'm in this with you - warm, direct, and transparent in the process. And I love the work I do. Let’s get started!